
Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980

This resource, published in six parts, makes available the
complete British Foreign Office files dealing with China,
Hong Kong and Taiwan during these decades. The documents
combine eyewitness accounts, weekly and monthly summaries,
annual reviews, reports and analyses with a synthesis of
newspaper articles and conference reports, economic
assessments and synopses on leading Chinese personalities.
There is a constant exchange of information between London
and British diplomatic outposts in China and a continual

Academia Sinica Tagged Corpus of Early Mandarin

该语料库目前提 供《红楼梦》、《金瓶梅》、《平妖传》、《水浒传》、
《儒林外史》、《醒世姻缘》、《西游记》 、《关汉卿戏曲集》、《元刊
动,如动补结构标示的较详尽即为一 例。