
Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842-1941)

Hong Kong Government Reports Online (HKGRO) is a full-text
image database providing online access to pre-World War II
issues of four major government publications, namely,
Administrative Report, Hong Kong Sessional Papers, Hong Kong
Hansard and Hong Kong Government Gazette. It contains a wide
range of information, such as official notifications,
proceedings of the Legislative Council, statistics, and
reports of government departments and special committees,
which are essential to students and scholars in conducting
research on Hong Kong.

Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online

Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online is a full-text image
database providing access to past revised editions of Hong
Kong Laws. The database comprises a total of seven
consolidations of the laws of Hong Kong: 1890, 1901, 1912,
1923, 1937, 1950, and 1964 (last updated to 1989). The
Historical Laws of Hong Kong Online database is a valuable
source for legal research on the historical development of
the law of Hong Kong.

China-Africa Knowledge Project Resource Hub

The China-Africa Knowledge Project Resource Hub is a one-
stop shop for researchers and practitioners working on the
China-Africa relationship. As the primary platform for the
work of the Social Science Research Council's China-Africa
Knowledge Project, this site actively builds generative
connections between scholars across disciplines and regions
while organizing a growing and fragmented body of knowledge
and connecting it to important trends in the social sciences
relevant for understanding Africa's new international

The Hong Kong University Library Digital Initiatives

The HKUL Digital Initiatives have implemented digitization
projects that are now providing open online access to local
collections originally in print format. These include Basic
Law Drafting History Online, Beijing Historical Geography
Database, China through Western Eyes, Historical Laws of
Hong Kong Online, Hong Kong and the West until 1860, Hong
Kong Government Reports Online (1853-1941) and Hong Kong
Journals Online.

The Nixon Years, 1969-1974

This collection provides complete FCO 7 and FCO 82 files
for the entire period of Richard Nixon’s presidency. Top-
level Anglo-American discussions and briefing papers
dominate these papers. There is also a wealth of material
on social conditions, domestic reforms, trade, culture and
the environment. In addition, there is strong coverage of
US policy decisions by the FCO and the British embassy in
Washington; White House staff appointments and UN
discussions; views on Europe; the deployment of F-111

China: Trade, Politics and Culture 1793-1980

This digital collection answers a need for clear,
intelligible and informative English-language sources
relating to China and the West, 1793-1980, which can be
accessed online and used in the classroom or in course
packs. Key documents relating to the Chinese Maritime
Customs service, from Robert Hart to Frederick Maze, are
accessible and searchable alongside original reports of
the Amherst and Macartney embassies.There are letters
relating to the first Opium War, survivors descriptions of
the Boxer War, and tantalising glimpses of life in China

Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980

This resource, published in six parts, makes available the
complete British Foreign Office files dealing with China,
Hong Kong and Taiwan during these decades. The documents
combine eyewitness accounts, weekly and monthly summaries,
annual reviews, reports and analyses with a synthesis of
newspaper articles and conference reports, economic
assessments and synopses on leading Chinese personalities.
There is a constant exchange of information between London
and British diplomatic outposts in China and a continual