Buddhism was divided into two branches in the early days. One is Mahayana Buddhism (
大 乘 佛 教 Ta Sheng fo chiao), the other is Hinayana Buddhism (小 乘 佛 教
Hsiao sheng fo chiao). This guide covers Mahayana Buddhism.
An introduction in Chinese appears in:
Zhongguo da bai ke quan shu
中 國 大 百 科 全 書 ( 宗 教 )
AE 17 C58 v.22 EAST (CR*) p.50
Da sheng fo jiao di wei ti yan jiu
大 乘 佛 教 的 問 題 研 究
BQ 7386 T3 EAST
An introduction in English appears in:
The New Encyclopedia Britannica
AE 5 E363 1993 GENR v.1-32
In UTCat, books are grouped by LC subjects. Please try the following headings:
Buddha and Buddhism
Buddhism -- China
Buddhism -- Taiwan
Mahayana Buddhism
You may also search by keywords:
Mahayana and China
Mahayana Buddhism 1990
(i.e., subject + publication year)
Books on this topic include:
Chinese Buddhism: aspects of interaction and reinterpretation
BQ 632 P32 ROBA
Zhongguo fo jiao shi
中 國 佛 教 史
BQ 626 C6 1981 EAST
Der Mahayana-Buddhismus, nach Sanskritund Prakrittexten
BL 1410 W56 1930 ROBA
Fo jiao zhe xue
佛 教 哲 學
BQ 4150 F36 1987 EAST
Mahayana Buddhism: a brief outline
BL 483 S8 1969 VUPT
Mahayana Buddhism: the doctrinal foundations
BQ 7405 W55 1989 ROBA
Studies in Chinese Buddhism
BQ 626 B34 ROBA
Da sheng Fo jiao zhi fa zhan
大 乘 佛 教 之 發 展
BQ 7386 T26 EAST
Da sheng Fo jiao di wen ti yan jiu
大 乘 佛 教 的 問 題 研 究
BQ 7386 T3 EAST
Zhongguo nian jian
中 國 年 鑑
DS 779.15 C52 EAST (CR*)
Zhongguo da bai ke quan shu
中 國 大 百 科 全 書
AE 17 C58 v.22 EAST (CR*)
A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms
BL 1403 S6 1937 EAST (GR*)
Fo guang da ci dian
佛 光 大 辭 典
BQ 130 F66 1988 EAST (CR*)
The New Encyclopedia Britannica
AE 5 E363 1993 GENR v.1-32
Zhongguo fo jiao shi ji gai lun
中 國 佛 教 史 籍 概 論
Z 7835 B9C45 EAST
Guo shi jing ji zhi
國 史 經 籍 志
Z 3101 C445 1939 EAST (CR*)
Nikka Bukkyo kenkyn nempo
日 華 佛 教 研 究 會 年 報
BQ 670 N55 EAST (JR*)
Journal articles in magazines and in Canadian newspapers:
In computer:
Wilson Index
(Use keywords, e.g., Buddhism and China)
In printed format:
Canadian Index
AI 3 C27 (Robarts Reference)
Canadian Periodical Index
AI 3 C2422 (Robarts Reference)
Zhonghua min guo qi kan lun wen suo yin
中 華 民 國 期 刊 論 文 索 引
AI 19 C5C573 EAST (CR*)
You may find more information in:
- The John P. Robarts Research Library (ROBA)
- Victoria University Library (VUER, VUPT)
* In the East Asian Library:
-- "GR" refers to the General Reference Section
-- "CR" refers to the Chinese Reference Section
-- "JR" refers to the Japanese Reference Section