認識中國傳統樂器{上,下} (Ren shi Zhongguo chuan tong yue qi) Getting to Know Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments. {Vol.1&2} [2 Dup Copies]
儒家思想與臺灣經驗 (Ru jia si xiang yu Taiwai jing yan) Confucianism and the Taiwan Experience.
臺北映象 (Taibei ying xiang) Images of Taipei.
臺灣的古跡 (Taiwan de gu ji) Historic Sights of Taiwan.
臺灣的稀有動物 (Taiwan de xi you dong wu) The Rare Plants and Animals of Taiwan.
臺灣風景之美 (Taiwan feng jing zhi mei) The Beautiful Scenery of Taiwan.
臺灣節慶 (Taiwan jie qing) Festivals in Taiwan.
台灣 (The unknown Taiwan)
微波爐食譜 (Wei bo lu shi pu) Microwave Oven Cookbook.
Where Confucius Meets the New Wave. [1 Copy of Chinese, 1 Copy of English]
舞龍 (Wu long) Dragon Dance.
舞獅 (Wu shi) Lion Dance.
舞宴--臺灣舞蹈紀實 (Wu yan--Taiwan wu dao ji shi) A Dancing Feast: A Documentary on Taiwan Choreography.
向前行 (Xiang qian xing) Taiwan Moves Forward.
小八極拳 (Xiao ba ji quan) Chinese Kung fu.
新宋江陣 (Xing song jiang zhen) New "Sung Chiang Chen". (8 Dup Copies)
憶歲月爭千秋--生命力的故事之一 (Yi sui yue zheng qian qiu--sheng min li de gu shi zhi yi) Challenges and Rebirth. [2 Dup Copies]
幼童華語讀本{上, 下} (You tong hua yu du ben) Chinese Textbook for Pre-school Children.
怎樣欣賞國劇 (Zen yang xin shang guo ju) How to Appreciate China Opera.
針灸--溫柔的中國傳統醫學 (Zhen jiu--wen rou de Zhongguo chuang tong yi xue) Acupuncture and Moxibustion: The Gentleness of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
至圣先師--孔子 (Zhi sheng xian shi--Kongzi) Confucius: China's Most Honored Teacher.
中華佳節美點 (Zhonghua jia jie mei dian) Chinese Festival Foods.
中國書法 (Zhongguo shu fa) Chinese Calligraphy.
中華民俗藝術(十六)--中華民族舞蹈服裝制作 {上,下} (Zhonghua min su yi shu (16)--Zhonghua min zu wu dao fu zhuang zhi zuo) Chinese Folk Arts Series: No.16 Folk Dance Costumes. {Vol.1&2} [Vol.2 has 2 Dup Copies.]
中华民謠唱游教材 (Zhonghua min yao chang you jiao cai) Recreational Singing of Chinese Folk Songs. [2 Copies]
中华民族舞蹈 {上, 下} (Zhonghua min zu wu dao jiao cai) Chinese Folk Dance [Vol.1&2]
中华儿童KTV {上,下} (Zhonghua er tong KTV) The Chinese Children's Songs. {Vol.1&2}
中国地理{上,下} (Zhongguo di li) Chinese Geography. {Vol.1&2}
中国绘畫--花鸟, 四君子 {上} (Zhongguo hui hua--hua niao, si jun zi) Chinese Painting: Flowers and Birds, the Four Gentlemen [Vol.1]
中国绘畫--蔬菜, 瓜果, 鸟獸 {上,下} (Zhongguo hui hua--shu cai, gua guo, niao shou) Chinese Painting: Vegetables, Melons and Fruits, Birds and Animals. {Vol.1&2} [Vol.2 has 2 Dup Copies]
中国结 (Zhongguo jie) Chinese Knotting.
中国年畫 (Zhongguo nian hua) Chinese Lunar New Year Pictures.
中國少年功夫 (Zhongguo shao nian gong fu) Chinese Youth's Kung fu.
中國十二生肖 (Zhongguo shi er sheng xiao) Chinese Zodiac Signs: The Animal in All of Us.
中國說唱藝術 {上,下} (Zhongguo shuo chang yi shu) The Art of Chinese Talk-songs. {Voi.1&2}
中國湯食 (Zhongguo tang shi) Chinese Soups.
中國童玩 (Zhongguo tong wan) Chinese Toys.
篆刻, 折紙 (Zhuan ke, zhe zhi) Chop Carving & Paper Folding.
1) Beyond Economic Miracle--The New Story of the Republic of China in Taiwan. 2) Taiwan: The Beautiful Island. [1 Copy of Chinese, 1 Copy of English]
1) Taiwan Experience--The Modernization of Republic of China. 2) The Secret Art of Kung Fu. [1 Copy of Chinese, 1 Copy of English]
Where Confucius Meets the New Wave. [1 Copy of Chinese, 1 Copy of English]