Korean internet resources by subject: government & politics

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (조선민주주의 인민공화국)

[In Korean, English, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Swiss/French, Polish, Italian, German, Turkish etc]

This website was created by Korean Friendship Association with the support and official recognition from the government authorities of Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Site contains information about North Korea and its people.

Hanguk Chŏnjaeng Chŏnhu Min'ganin Haksal Chinsang Kyumyŏng Pŏm Kungmin Winwŏnhoe (한국전쟁후 민간인학살 진상규명 범국민 위원회)

[In Korean, English]

This organization works to raise awareness of various civilian genocide post-Korean War.

History of Korean Presidents (한국 역대 대통령)

[In Korean]

History of Presidents in South Korea, their biography and other related information.

Korea.net: Gateway to Korea (코리아.넷)

[In Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English, French, German, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic]

This is a gateway to information about Korea for foreigners.


Government & Politics – Organizations

The National Unification Advisory Council (민주평화통일자문회의)

[In Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian]

Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea (감사원)

[In Korean, English]

National Archives of Korea (국가기록원)

[In Korean, English]

Institute of North Korea Studies (북한 연구소)

[In Korean]

Korea Institute for National Unification (통일연구원)

[In Korean, English]

KIPO : Korean Intellectual Property Office (특허청)

[In Korean, English]

South Korean Government Official Homepage (정부24)

[In Korean, English, Chinese]

Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural Affairs (농림축산식품부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (산업통상자원부)

[In Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese]

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (국토교통부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (문화체육관광부)

[In Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese]

Ministry of Environment (환경부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs  (외교부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (여성부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of the Interior and Safety (행정안전부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of Science and ICT (과학기술정보통신부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of Justice (법무부)

[In Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese]

Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (해양수산부)

[In Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese]

Ministry of Strategy and Finance (기획재정부)

[In Korean, English]

Ministry of Unification (통일부)

[In Korean, English, Chinese]

National Information Society Agency (한국정보화 진흥원)

[In Korean, English]

National Intelligence Service (NIS) (국가정보원)

[In Korean, English]

Office of the President, Republic of Korea (청와대)

[In Korean, English]

Supreme Court of Korea (대법원)

[In Korean, English]