Language and Literature – Organizations
Korean Classical Poetry Association (한국 시가 학회)
[In Korean]
Conducts research and publishes outcomes on Korean classical poetry
Korean Novelist Association (한국 소설가 협회)
[In Korean]
Organization formed only with professional writers in Korea.
The Society of Korean Literary Studies (한국문학연구학회)
[In Korean]
Publishes the Journal of Korean Modern Literature since 1989.
Korea Literature Translation Institute (한국문학번역원)
[In Korean, English]
The Institute supports the translation and publishing of Korean literature in foreign languages and organizes various forms of international exchange, including seminars for Korean and international writers, translators, scholars, and the general reading public. As a part of its effort to produce the finest possible translations of Korean literature, the Institute operates programs for the training of translators, translation workshops, and literary research.
Institute of the Translation of Korea Classics (한국고전번역원)
[In Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese]
The Institute selects and compiles important munjip from as early as Silla to Chosun dynasties and created databases for the index, annotations, and Korean (Hangul) translations with the original texts.
The Korean Writers' Association (한국문인협회)
[In Korean]
Organization where all Korean writers around the world can gather and share their works.
The Society of Korean Language and Literature (국어국문학회)
[In Korean]
Korean literature organization
The Korean Language Society (한글학회)
[In Korean]
Provides the Korean Dialect Dictionary (우리토박이말사전)
Institute for Korean Literary History (민족문학사연구소)
[In Korean]
Organizes small classes with literary scholars to study various topics in the Korean literary history and publishes the Journal of Korean Literary History (민족문학사연구)
The Society of Korean Oral Literature (한국구비문학회)
[In Korean]
Publishes and provides the Journal of Korean Oral Literature (구비문학연구)on their website.
Suyu Nomo 104 (수유너머 104)
[In Korean]
An active community of Korean scholars. This group offers seminars and forums for active discussion and debates.
Munhak Sasangsa (문학 사상사)
[In Korean]
Book publisher. Site lists various types of Korean literature with brief information.
Munhakdongne (문학 동네)
[In Korean, English]
Publishing house that specializes in prose fiction, art, and cultural affairs.