Chinese Women's Studies Database glossary
Born in gentry family in Hsianghsiang, Hunan. Both of her parents were scholars. Her father, Chang Po-ch'un, was a Hanlin scholar & official. She attended middle school at Nanking. She became interested in political ideas through reading "Ko-ming Ch'un
There she read nationalistic journals such as Hsin Hu-nan(Neo Hunan journal), Tung-t'ing po(Tung-t'ing journal), & Che-chiang Ch'ao(the tides of chekiang) & came into contact with members of the anti-Manchu movement.
On the recommendation of Huang Hsing(黃興), she joined the Tung-meng-hui & was soon drawn into the secret work of the society in planning for revolution in Kiangsu & Chekiang.
During this period, she was associated with Ch'iu Chin, Chao Sheng & other anti-Manchu revolutionary activists.
曾加入同盟會。曾為江蘇大漢報總經理兼縂編輯,日撰社論數千言鼓吹革命。 又至上海參加女界協贊會,勸募軍餉,贊助革命。神州女界協濟社創神州女學>。由張默君任校長。1918:張默君被教育部派往歐美各國考察職業教育,又在Columbia University 研究教育兩年,1920 回國。
,Hunan Xiangxiang 湖南湘鄉
,works:1911“Chi I t'ung-i(ta han pao)14急宜統一>大漢報;1911“Ching-kao Kui-min Shu\(Ta Han Pao)12 敬告國民書>大漢報
,同盟會,江蘇大漢報,南社,上海女界協贊會,Woman Revolutionaries,見Boorman H.L.\Biographical Dictionary of Republic China\. NY:Columbia U. Press
民元前10年:在廣州設立診所,診所附近設有福音堂>。向群衆宣傳基督義。同時,議論時政,鼓吹新學。精醫學,兼通外國文字。在粵劍南福醫院,女學堂,女會,實業.1900s, 投身於紅十字會。
,Guangdong Panyu 廣東番禺人
(1891-1959)1st woman lawyer in republican China; studied law in Paris, practiced in Shanghai;1928, a member of the legislative yuan(立法院);1931-1937: President of the school of law at University of Shanghai.
,Her father was a minor official in the Board of Revenue of the Ch'ing Government. She was sent to Tiantsin to attend the Chung-hsiGirls School, directed by 2 American missionary women.(She stayed there only for a few months).
,Guangdong 廣東人