UofT Library Catalogue UofT library Catalogue provides online access to the catalogue and article records of most collections from all libraries at the university, including the holdings in the Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library. The catalogue supports Romanized character browse and search.
(OCLC) WorldCat OCLC catalogue of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. You can search and browse the catalogue in simplified or traditional Chinese. WorldCat allows users to search the collections of major research and academic libraries, including most of the major East Asian libraries in North America.
读秀中文学术搜索 - Duxiu Knowledge Search Database Duxiu is a content-based database that provides access to more than 3 million Chinese bibliographic entries and 2 million Chinese scholarly full-text resources in all subjects and formats, such as books, journal articles, conference papers, newspapers, theses, web pages, and video clips. The database covers Chinese publications from the early 1930s to the present. Some contents have full-text available online, and many others can be delivered electronically to email accounts specified by users. Due to different copyright restrictions of different publications, Duxiu does not guarantee the same level of access to all of its resources.
皮书数据库 - China Economic, Public policy, and Security Database 'Pishu' (皮书, which literally means ‘cover-books’) are high-value analytical reports intended to guide policymaking in the People’s Republic of China. Pishu are published by the prestigious Social Sciences Academic Press, a branch of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. These reports feature exclusive research and analysis by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and authors from similar institutions, and present objective analysis versus official government messaging on strategic issues. In China, Pishu are consumed by think tanks and top policymakers. Covered topics include a variety of issues of importance to China's government and research community, including international relations, agricultural policy, and industry competitiveness.