Internet resources for Language
该语料库目前提 供《红楼梦》、《金瓶梅》、《平妖传》、《水浒传》、
《儒林外史》、《醒世姻缘》、《西游记》 、《关汉卿戏曲集》、《元刊
动,如动补结构标示的较详尽即为一 例。
The character dictionary gives four different ways to search
for characters, including English Look-up, Pinyin Look-up
(Tone number at the end of the pinyin is optional),
Cantonese Look-up (Type in a Cantonese string using the Yale
romanization system. Tone number is required), and
radical/stroke Look-up.
「汉字古今音资料库」(Chinese Character Readings,简称CCR)是一个
A great site for learners of Chinese. The site gives the
etymologies of over 4000 Chinese characters, enabling you to
see the connections between them. Searchable by many
different input methods.
The site brings together 13 major Chinese-language
dictionaries on the web and allows you to quickly and
conveniently search them all in one place. Many of the
Chinese dictionaries on the web are interlinked at a
character-to-character level, allowing visitors to jump
across dictionaries to check the same character entry
without having to search again for the character. Find a
character in any of the 13 dictionaries and you can follow
the blue links, jumping between more than a dozen
dictionaries spread across seven countries and four
The Mandarin Promotion Council ( MPC ), Ministry of
Education in Taiwan is responsible for compiling this
dictionary. It is developed from the table of Chinese
character variants, which was made the Department of
Chinese, National Taiwan Normal University and has been
published for many years. The dictionary was finished on
June 2001, and contains over 100,000 character variants in
编中文字形,也一直都是由本部国语会 与行政院主计处、经济部标准检验
Formosa is a digital library hosted by Reed College of
Portland, Oregon that specializes in gathering early images,
maps, and texts on the island of Taiwan, which was called
\Formosa\ by foreign visitors in the 19th Century. Scholars
can even find a small sampling of primary linguistic data on
various aboriginal languages collected by early explorers.
Primary source data like this were originally published in
European and North American books and journals during the
19th Century, but have since become hard to access with the
passage of time.
The production of the Web edition of Lin Yutang's Chinese-
English Dictionary of Modern Usage is based on the first
edition of the work (hereafter called \the original
edition\) published in 1972 by the Chinese University Press.
The dictionary comprises a total of 8,169 head characters,
together with 44,407 explanatory entries of grammatical
usage and 40,379 entries of Chinese words or phrases.
The \Mandarin Chinese mini dictionary\ is a small-scaled
online dictionary especially edited for pupils. It is
comparatively simplified because of considering the word
collections and the expatiations are all suitable for
pupils' use. In using index, users are allowed to input
words to search directly, or search by radicals, strokes
and pronunciations of different Chinese characters.
Besides, there are some words appendixed with pictures for
explanation, so there is also a picture index for users to
query texts reversely, thus it is quite convenient for the
use on language teaching and child-parent education.
\Min and Hakka Language Archives\, which is a follow-up
project of the \Southern Min Archives: A Database of
Historical Change and Language Distribution”
Dictionaries (such as WordNet or the Oxford Collocations Dictionary), which are based on word frequency statistics, collocations, semantic relations, and so on.
The site has won awards in Taiwan for its explanation of the
PSDB system of romanized transcription which is being put
forth as the proper method for writing the Taiwanese
The Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (TLS) is designed as as a
collaborative forum for discussion on the close reading of
Chinese texts. It provides a corpus of classical Chinese
texts, links the texts incorporated with an analytic
dictionary of the Chinese language, and also systematically
organises the Chinese vocabulary in taxonomic hierarchies of
synonym groups. TLS develops a system of rhetorical devices
for the analysis of Chinese texts.
Dictionaries (such as WordNet or the Oxford Collocations Dictionary), which are based on word frequency statistics, collocations, semantic relations, and so on.